April 10, 2011


Hi All,

Apologies for my lack of communication, I have been enjoying a little break from reality :)
Now its back to the real world!  I have been "working" a bit, traveling a bit and exercising a bit and relaxing a bit - a perfect mix.
I don't have much to say (actually I am feeling just a little lazy!) so I will just share some pictures of the first week back here in Stockholm (which is often far more interesting anyway).

Yummy Semla Buns!

Beyootiful tulips- they are called "Parrots" I think. 

Hotel in Copenhagen which Bron is re-doing.  This is the pic in the lobby so guests can get an idea of what the new hotel will look like after the renovation.

City Hall of Copenhagen.

Lots of love to you all, 


  1. Hi Great pics.Thanks. Will speak soon. Have a good week. Love to all

  2. Yay! So good to 'see' you. Lekker pics and good mix of stuff you up to. Take care. xx

  3. Hi Lis! Yup, I'm with Lis G - its so good to "hear your voice" and I'm really glad you are picking up your blogging (even if it is just with pics in the meantime) - you are so good at it.
    I like the sound of your "mix" :-)
    Looking forward to hearing more

  4. Hey

    Let me know if you have any free weekends and will see if I can maybe make a plan. xxx

  5. hey friendy, great to see you are at it again. Those buns look dangerously delicious...oh, I wish I was there to eat yummy things with you ;) Miss you already..when you coming home! ;) enjoy it...

  6. ANG!

    been trying to email you but it keeps getting bounced back. email me at lckleinhans@gmail.com

  7. Helloooo friend! I'm horrible aren't I? Narry a word for a MONTH ,sis man! My M&D left last night & so my life will calm down to a slow enough panic soon for me to catch up with blogging & emailing! I am so pleased you look like you are living it up & having a fabby time. I am so jealous at the variety of things you have to do there. Never a dull moment hey! Thanks for blogging! I like it when you blog.
    Hugs & smooches from your littlest fan 'MW'


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