April 22, 2011

Glad Pask!!!

Happy Easter Weekend!

We have had a lovely start to the Easter Weekend here - good weather, company and food.  Yesterday I made some homemade Hot Cross Buns and then we ate them!  Today we slept late, walked in the sun and had a long lunch with champagne and salmon and made our own marzipan chickens and bunnies for dessert.

Good Friday Lunch

Making Dessert
Last weekend we went to the country and stayed in an old manor house and went to a chocolate exhibition in a nearby town.  We bought homemade pralines and did some antique shopping.  We went to a ballet in the Stockholm Opera house on monday and the rest of the time I have been working, shopping and walking the dog.
Sun in Grythyttan

Early morning on the river in Grythyttan

Summer Daffodils in the park

Early morning on the bus on the way to work!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families!


April 10, 2011


Hi All,

Apologies for my lack of communication, I have been enjoying a little break from reality :)
Now its back to the real world!  I have been "working" a bit, traveling a bit and exercising a bit and relaxing a bit - a perfect mix.
I don't have much to say (actually I am feeling just a little lazy!) so I will just share some pictures of the first week back here in Stockholm (which is often far more interesting anyway).

Yummy Semla Buns!

Beyootiful tulips- they are called "Parrots" I think. 

Hotel in Copenhagen which Bron is re-doing.  This is the pic in the lobby so guests can get an idea of what the new hotel will look like after the renovation.

City Hall of Copenhagen.

Lots of love to you all,